Dressing up in Malawian costume.
We've been back in Llandudno now for five whole days and we are slowly fitting back into our daily routines. It's felt strange, almost as though I've been living in a daze. I sometimes have to pinch myself to remind me that I really was in deepest Africa this time last week. It's taken a few days to adjust to UK time, not through jetlag, or daylight hours, but the pace of life back in Wales. At times, I've wished I was back in the Malawian relaxed way of life with no time restaints and no deadlines. But in reality, I'm grateful for my home comforts, happy to be back at home living the way I'm use to. Today I started my class presentations about the visit. Year 1 enjoyed the animal and bug tales, while Year 2 got excited when dressing up in Malawian costumes and pretending to cook 'sima' on the chorcoal cooker. It's difficult to convery what I really saw through words and pictures, to get the children and teachers to see beyond the photographs. The questions that kept coming from the floor were mature and thoughtful and I hope I've given them a little insight into the wonderful country I visited. It would be nice if one or two went home tonight with a little thought about how lucky they are and how grateful they should be.
Having a good feel of a Malawian hand brush.
Mr Hughes teaching using a digital whiteboard, a computer, resources and sitting on a chair! A bit different from the classses we were in a week ago.
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